Collection: Clivia,variegated forms
Clivia breeders have over the years named various forms of variegation in clivia. Readily identified types are:
- Fukurin with white or yellow bands on both margins of leaves
- Shima-fu with its vertical white or yellow and green lines on the leaves
- Akebono with white or yellow bands transversely across the middle areas of strap like leaves
- Light of Buddha is similar to Akebono but with less pure bands and broader and shorter foliage
- Mandarin duck with about 50% of the leaves white of yellow and the balance green
- Tiger with lines reminiscent of brindled stripes of a tiger
From time to time near flowering and flowering size clivia will be offered for sale. Offering more mature clivia means that all the hard work and risks in growing them up has been done. Available variegated clivia can be found on our website under "Variegated foliage clivia". See
New forms of variegation are appearing where there is a combination of different types of variegation in the foliage:
- Shima-fu and Akebono
- Shima-fu and Light of Buddha andits reverse
- Shima-fu and Tiger
- A combination of 3 or 4 of the above types
Variegation can be a result of chloroplast mutation or nuclear trait. Chloroplast mutation is the most common form and is readily recognizable by its lack of uniformity across all foliage. This type of variegation is maternally inherited. From past experience only about 10% of seed from a variegated plant producers high quality variegated seedlings with the balance ranging from poor variegation, no variegation (green) to albino (no chloroplasts in the plant cells). Uniformity of variegation, on the other hand, can be past on from both the maternal and paternal parents. From past experience, Fukuran and Manadarin Duck variegation, albeit uniform, is not nuclear variegation.
Variegated plants produce variegated and non variegated seedlings as well as albino seedlings. Albino seedlings typically die once all the nutrients are exhausted from the seed. Berry colour is important in determining whether or not the seedlings will be variegated. Green berries produce non variegated seedlings; white berries produce albino seedlings; cream green produce Liight of Buddha and variegated produce variegated, non variegated and albino seedlings depending upon where the variegation in the berry is positioned over the seeds. Variegated seed typically only produces about 30% variegation in seedlings and of that only about 10 to 12% would be considered excellent variegation. Hence plants that exhibit excellent variegation command high prices.
An interesting observation is that the variegation in the peduncle (flower spike) generallyt reflects the variegation in the adjoining foliage. The flowers and subsequent berries reflect the variegation in the peduncle. For example, in a Mandarin Duck, half the pedunclue will be green and half will be variegated (White or yellow) and this can be readily seen in the flower buds and post flowering in the berries. This can be seen in the pictures below -
Another interesting observation is that the variegation on the upper and lower epidermal sides of the leaves can be variable. This is shown below.