About Us
Pine Mountain Nursery is a family owned and managed business that has been producing quality plants for over 30 years.
Over 30 Years in Business
Pine Mountain Nursery is a family owned and managed business that has been producing quality plants for over 30 years. Located on the beautiful mid-upper reaches of the Brisbane River about 20 minutes downstream from Wivenhoe Dam. The nursery is located only one hour's drive from either Brisbane or Toowoomba, off the Warrego Highway.
We Breed, Grow & Supply Direct
We breed, grow and supply direct to you beautiful quality plants that provide value and pleasure. As the plant grower you know where the plants come from and you can purchase with confidence.
The Original & The Best
We were one of the first nurseries in Ipswich to register under the Ipswich City Council's bush land friendly nursery program and neither grow or sell plants listed as weeds of national significance,national environmental alert weeds or sleeper weeds as defined on www.weeds.gov.au
We grow a range of popular plants but for mail order we are mainly limited to bulbs and grasses.
Our clivia miniata are grown in modern facilities where every aspect of their nutrition and growth is carefully monitored from germination. Our clivia seed is germinated on a large temperature controlled table in cell trays of 100. Each tray of seed carefully identifies the genetic background of the seed and this background is traced right through to the finished product via colour co-ordinated pots and codes.
We strive to continuously improve the quality of our Clivia

Creating Quality Clivia
We strive to continuously improve the quality of our clivia. All our clivia are grown on benches on top of blue metal floors. We care about the quality of our clivia plants and go out of our way to ensure they have the best nutriution and water.

Our Water Source
Our water is sourced from pure natural rain water collected from the roof of our main shed and chlorinated in large green storage tanks. This minimises the potential for soil borne diseases such as fungi and nematodes which are often associated with sourcing water from dams, creeks and rivers.

Quality Plants Every Time
There are no shortcuts to growing quality plants. When you purchase plants from us you will notice the difference. Quality you can see, even in the packaging.

Sharing our Knowledge
Unlike most nurseries we also have a significant plant breeding program and share our breeding ideas and information with other breeders and in international publications like Clivia Year Books. See Clivia Year Books 8, 10 and 11. Better Homes and Garden wrote articles in September 2008 featuring some of our new clivias and in March 2009 and featuring our new agapanthus - PMN06 Queen Mum and Cloudy Days. ABC Gardening Australia, the Courier Mail and Queensland Times have also featured our new agapanthus and our breeding programs. We have also established two new websites -